Add Hotel at Garhwali Traveller

Garhwali Traveller offers a unique opportunity to Hotel Owners in Uttarakhand to promote their hotel and homestays online and get free hotel booking enquiries.

How it works?

  • Publish information about your hotel property or homestay at
  • Get booking enquiries online through us
  • It will improve your online reputation also

We have over 1000 Hotels and homestays across Uttarakhand associated with us.

List hotel on Garhwali Traveller

Benefits of Listing Your Hotel

  1. You get the booking enquiries generated from your hotel page listed on
  2. Your mobile number is displayed on your listing page so that customers can call you directly
  3. Garhwali Traveller has visited over 1 lakh organic visitors a month. So your hotel or homestay property gets advertised to potential customers
  4. A dedicated page for your hotel or homestay offers detailed information about the property and the facilities provided to the customer

How much does it cost?

Joining Garhwali Traveller Travel Network is FREE. We will list your hotel or homestay information and photos without any charges.

However, you can upgrade your Hotel or Homestay listing for just Rs. 3000 per year and have your Phone/Mobile number displayed so that customers can directly call you. You will get booking calls for sure.

There are lots of benefits of listing your hotel property or homestay at Garhwali Traveller Travel Network.

How do I send my Hotel/Homestay details to Garhwali Traveller?

Have a question? Speak to us at – 9997199841