Hotels in Badrinath

Hotels in Badrinath

Badrinath one of the holy Char Dham in Uttarakhand, is the temple dedicated to lord Vishnu. There are 18+ hotels in Badrinath which are verified and listed on Garhwali Traveller Travel Network. All the hotels listed below are verified and follow all the COVID guidelines to keep our guests safe from COVID-19 and other diseases.

You can also check Uttarakhand Travel Guidelines while travelling to Badrinath Uttarakhand. Check our handcrafted Badrinath travel guide to plan your trip to Badrinath.

List of Badrinath Hotels and Resorts

  • Hotel New Snow Crest (Main Badrinath Highway, Badrinath)
  • Badri Village Resort (Nagini Hills, Badrinath, Near Bus Stand)
  • Mountain Trex Eco Huts Badrinath (900 meters before the Badrinath Temple)
  • Saro Portico (1 Km from Badrinath Temple)
  • Narayan Palace (Near Bus Stand, Badrinath)
  • Sri Hari Niwas (Near Old Taxi Stand, Badrinath)
  • Jagirdar Guest House (Charan Paduka Road, just 5 minute walk from Badrinath Temple)
  • S S International (Old Mana Road, Badrinath)
  • Dwarikesh (Near Bus Stand, Badrinath)
  • Himgiri Hotel
  • Hotel Yoga (500 meters from Badrinath Temple, Badrinath Uttarakhand)
  • Bhajan Ashram (Near Old Taxi Stand, Badrinath)
  • Grand Shiva Pandukeshwar (Badrinath Road in Pandukeshwar, 20 Km before Badrinath)
  • Hotel Kalash (Bamini Village, Near Hotel New Crest Badrinath)

Homestays in Badrinath

There are plenty of hotels and resorts in Badrinath, you can also choose to stay in a homestay in Badrinath. Homestays are cheaper than hotels and resorts. Check out some homestays in Badrinath.

Jagridar Guest House

If you are a homestay owner in Badrinath or anywhere in Uttarakhand, you can list your homestay on Garhwali Traveller. Click here to add your homestay in Uttarakhand.

List your Badrinath Hotel

If you own a hotel in Badrinath, you can reach out to potential customers by listing your hotel on – one of the largest hotel information networks of Uttarakhand with over 2000 hotels, camps and homestays. So what you are waiting for contact us for more information.

Govt. KMVN/GMVN Guest houses, Hotels and Resorts in Badrinath

  • GMVN Badrinath Tourist Bungalow Devlok
  • GMVN Badrinath Govt. TRH
  • GMVN Badrinath Yatri Niwas

These hotels and resorts are government-hosted properties. GMVN is categorized up to 3-star hotels and you get premium rooms and facilities.

There are more than 15 hotels and resorts in Badrinath which are listed on the Garhwali Traveller website. You can choose your stay from these 1-star budget hotels, 1 Cottage hotel and 10 deluxe hotels in Badrinath. Choose as per your budget and needs.

Browse various hotels ranging from low-cost economical hotels to deluxe luxury hotels, from homestays to heritage hotels and resorts in Badrinath Uttarakhand. Check out more travel details about Badrinath.

Book online Badrinath hotels and resorts and get exclusive discounts on hotel room rates and tour packages.

Why Book Badrinath Hotels from Garhwali Traveller?

  • 100% verified Badrinath hotels and resorts
  • Authentic information guide of Badrinath hotels
  • Wide choices of Badrinath hotels and resorts as per budget category, ratings, facilities and location-based
  • Badrinath lowest tariff and best discount offers
  • After-sales support during your travel/stay at Badrinath

Note – All the prices displayed on the website start from (the lowest in the tariff category). Badrinath hotel prices will vary based on your travel dates, during the Char dham yatra season and the number of persons. Book your hotel in Badrinath Resort online in advance.

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