Gyrocopter Safari in Gauchar Uttarakhand

Gyrocopters are a small version of a helicopter, it consists of 2 seats, 1 for the pilot and another one for the passenger. Gyrocopter Safari is becoming popular in India and the tourism department of Uttarakhand is now testing Gyrocopters in Gauchar and Haridwar to promote adventure tourism in Uttarakhand. These gyrocopters are manufactured in Germanay and currently German pilots are testing these gyrocopters.

If you are planning to visit Gauchar then you can see the 2 models of Gyrocopters at Gauchar airstrip. Currently, they are under testing and very soon Gyrocopter Safari will be open to the public. The gyros are currently under German pilots and soon Indian pilots will be provided with the proper training to fly the gyrocopters. These gyrocopters are first in south Asia and Uttarakhand in India.

Cost of Gyrocopter ticker in Uttarakhand

The ticket pricing is going to be so affordable to promote adventure tourism in Uttarakhand. The pricing could be INR 200 per minute of flight, which is so affordable. It will attract more and more adventure enthusiasts from all over India.

Very soon you will enjoy the Gyrocopter safari in Gauchar Chamoli, Haridwar and Rishikesh. This service will be launched in the other areas of Uttarakhand in the near future.

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